, , ,
![]() A traditional book has covers, a table of contents, chapters so is liner and fixed in time and space. An electric book has search engines use "wiredbrain" which is not limited in content therefore is non-liner and not fixed in time or space. |
Click on Synergy
Logo for 100 Kb Introduction - As you are reading this, the page is being
augmented by sites from all over the web and setting up the tables' cellspace.
We're moving toward a world of 1 billion connected computers sometime in the next decade," Grove said, saying it would represent some 20 percent of the world's population and a great opportunity" for the Pacific Rim. The theme of "wiredbrain" is that the "new world orders" are global connections between utility network computers.
Like the human brain, the
internet's packets system
can reconfigure itself to work even after portions were destroyed. Using the noise-prone analog circuits of the time, it was impossible to
build the necessary switches. Baran concluded that all the traffic would
have to be digital. Moreover, the digital traffic would have to be broken
into short message blocks now called "packets,"
each containing its own
routing information, like a DNA molecule, and
able to replicate itself correctly whenever a transmission error occurred.
With many additions and permutations, his original design is today termed
the Internet, click here for the emerging history
the 21st century.
are such stuff - As
dreams are made on, and our little life - Is rounded with a sleep.
Key Word "wiredbrain" HotBot has most of the 365 synergy Documents
This is your entry point to access different pages within your Virtual Office.
at http://wiredbrain.netscapeoffice.com/
Use the pull-down menu to go to major
sections of The Wiredbrain Synergy Site |
Go to AltaVista Advanced Search
use : url:wiredbrain.com and "any key word"
first check into
STOCK Watch: up 25 % since Aug. 5th user "wiredbrain", password "synergy"
Synergy Site keys to knowledge and information
Papers.htm picks up
news from May 15th on and continues from there to Futures.htm,
application to the Minning Company
The only way you do better than the average
is having information beyond the average.
Once More From the TOP:
It's about time ! The main line press has caught-on to the power of the internet ? What wiredbrain and others ( mainly Netscape, Oracle, ( considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic opinions. b. An authoritative or wise statement or prediction ) IBM, SunMicrosystems and the NOISE group ) have been talking about since Netscape 1.0 and WINS connections - the virtual office and the Network Computer has now arrived in the PC world.
"The new concept ( only to you ) goes by a variety of names: instant Web office; virtual office; instant intranet; Web tone; Internet dial tone; and so on. The idea is to provide everything a user needs on a central server. Users can then access that server over the Internet with just a terminal and a phone line. Then they "rent" Internet and intranet applications for as little as $10 to $20 per person per month. (That's a fraction of the per-user cost of an in-house intranet.)"
and a box that cost 10 % of a PC work station ( $500 vs. $5,000 ) and doesn't crash, doesn't need systems managers, and doesn't require constant upgrades but does need bandwidth.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1997 Instant Intranets Just Stage One in Emerging Market Struggle
Jesse Berst, Editorial Director ZDNet AnchorDesk
What is clear but not said is this is the end of the Age of the PC. First the main frame, then the PC now the NC -
There is now a immense industry we can call IT “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY”.
IT now represents the critical modern enterprise growing to be a quarter of all economic activity.
IT is a greater engine for growth than railroads in the 19th century, oil and chemical industries in the first half of this century. IT is equal to the auto industry, which reached 25 % in the 1950s. “IT” like the auto industry includes the hardware ( the computer or car), the infrastructure, (communications and networks or the roads) the energy ( software or oil ) the services, ( consultants and staff or Gas Stations ) and parts ( modems, drives, or car radios ). IT includes the computers ( the car ), the roads ( the telecom business ), services ( software ) and the social educational infrastructure.
IT provides the web of life for modern enterprise - design, production, distribution, sales, of goods and services. IT is the growth industry and in labor market. There are millions of new jobs and additional people needed world wide.
Unlike the auto industry the IT business evolves quickly. New hardware computers and chips, new methods of communications, new applications evolve quickly. IT is quickly becoming one unified, highly complex living system on a global basis. The whole is more than the sum of the parts - synergy that comes from elaborate interactions.
There are critical “flash point” - global telcom systems based on satellites connect to earth stations that can use telephone lines including new high bandwidth technologies, optic fiber, wireless broadband, and cable connections. The high bandwidth connections use improved modems to provide support for networks. These new networks provide what have been called telephones, television, personal computers, and something new - beyond what now are common utilities.
The common base system is the “browser”, which will provide all of the application in a Java type objects - in a Video User Interface (VUI) using chips that can handle digital TV and Digital Hard Drives for storage all as parts of the new super modems.
IT is why the DOJ Microsoft case is important. What was called the “operation system” OS now becomes VUI, an interface between a “terminal” ( telephone, TV, and PC = NC ) and a communications media. The interface uses program “packets” as well as content “packets” the operational software is contained within the data. The difference between program and content no longer is significant. With bandwidth the “word processor” is attached to the files and comes as an instant updated package at the moment of use. This is Netscape’s, Oracle and others “vision” and the real challenge to Microsoft.
Berst Alert FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1997
In Europe it has been traditionally difficult to sell NEW type autos. People say they don’t want to buy a car, which they keep for an average of seven years, until the bugs have been worked out and has built a reputation for reliability. GM, IBM, and other big corporations often do not have the best product or price but the power of marketing, distribution, service, and habit. They depend on people’s unwillingness to be pioneers. Those on the frontier get shot with arrows.
Now billions of dollars, huge personal fortunes, the rise and fall of great enterprises depend on complex technologies few understand. Technology has become a horse race, the fastest win rather than a dog or pony show where the judges reflect conventional values, where a horse of a different color is unlikely to win. In the now systems of knowledge, a 14 year old New Zealand boy’s solution to the millennium bug is just as much in the race as the show horses from the most established stables.
The economics profession, the federal reserve, national planners, and the stock market is just learning to deal with this change in economic behavior. Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape are working on a Java Machine that will be the core of most new computer applications. Suites of application either on the "video" hard drive or on a systems server will run on these virtual machines, so will autos, and all kinds of "real" machines. This replaces Windows, Dos or other OS and MS knows it. The communications industry, in fact all of Information Technology (IT) will provide applications, voice, video, data and word processing on the internet, intranets, extranets, are all built on this CORE system which provides on demand applications. This is the BIG picture. This is the central theme. This is the main thing. Do you "get it" ?
Review the technology with the central role of core systems clearly in mind.
Donald Tapscott, author of the books Paradigm Shift, The Digital Economy and the forthcoming Growing Up Digital, gives the introduction.
Information Transfer - The CATCH-ON factor (Allen Wilson).
Skills training started with better tools in stone, in metal, in hunting and fishing. With agriculture knowledge came organizational ability - SYNERGY - getting more from the group than the sum of the parts. The MARS adventure is a wonderful example of team work, communications, shared hopes and benefits. SOMEHOW the internet should add to synergy, see packets, to the numbers who catch-on.
has always taken more than just information.
There has to be an emotional base, ability to change - to see in new ways
- to be open to new experiences. There are enought clues on the Wiredbrain
for those who are interested. Those who are not interested there is no
way of meaningful communications. PATHOS
= caring - having the interest and doing something. What we value is what
we do, not what we say. LOGOS
= information, knowledge - the subject itself. ETHOS
= what do we do with
and common misconceptions: the division between conventional wisdom and reality.
Click for Portfolio User "wiredbrain" password "synergy"
Stocks go into Orbit:
some stocks are full of hot air
In any case, there is something wrong with making the survival of the fittest the guiding principle of a civilized society. This social Darwinism is based on an outmoded theory of evolution just as the equilibrium theory in economics is based on Newtonian physics. The principle which guides the evolution of the species is mutation, and mutation works in a much more sophisticated way. The species and their environment are interactive, and one species serves as part of the environment for the other species. There is a two-way feedback mechanism, similar to reflexivity in history, only in history the mechanism is driven not by mutation but by misconceptions.
George Soros has make billions when the common knowledge, conventional wisdom is out of sink with reality. His central point is that "objective reality" is separate from the ideas that describe or explain what is being observed. Whatever our ideas about "science" the physical reality doesn’t change. Our "uncertainty" or viewpoint on physical quantum doesn’t change the phenomena itself.
On the other hand, public and expert perceptions of human activities changes the nature of the activities themselves. Our beliefs change our behavior and common social habits and ideas change who we are and what we do. This is a reflective feedback loop between perceptions and reality. Political theory, religious faiths, economic assumptions, mass media chatter, advertising, hype, hope, needs, wants, passions or truths and lies all make social reality "unknowable" and social action can not be based on just objective reality and the facts.
Now the social reality of the human population on planet earth is going through a basic mutation, a major change in form, new forms of business evolution; where common perceptions and conventional wisdom is often disconnected from the situation on the ground. The mass emotion on the death of Princess Diana, is unexplainable, so are stock markets, the impacts of technology, political reform, capitalism in China, and the major events of our lives. There can be balanced judgments and clever analysis but nothing close to certain knowledge.
pflaump password synergy ( if they ask)
? KNOWLEDGE = information
+ understanding, being a different person doing things in a different style.
The human synergy shortage in
the "skills" gap, is costing companies about $660 billion a year. The Synergy site style is designed to conform and reinforce the learning systems of
IT For example: The demand for skilled foreign IT people : Salary increase 17 % per year,
. The Information Technology Association of America,
which represents hundreds of companies from Intel and Microsoft to consultants
and recruiters, estimates there are already 190,000 high tech positions
standing vacant in American IT and non-IT companies. "This can be
considered a conservative estimate of the gap between companies&rsquo
growth needs and the current availability of IT workers," says the
ITAA study, "Help Wanted: The IT Workforce
A powerful coalition of American IT companies
say these highly educated immigrants are a critical part of solving a severe
personnel shortage that is a drag on the U.S. industry. They warn that
they may be forced to take their production outside the country if they
can&rsquot hire more people from abroad.
IEEE-USA Legal Immigration Policy Issue ... URL: http://www.ieee.org/usab/DOCUMENTS/FORUM/ISSUES/immigration.html
Summary: In 1990, partly in response to claims that the nation faced serious shortages of engineers and scientists, Congress authorized substantial increases in employment-based immigration to the United States. Engineering unemployment increased from 2.1% in 1990 to an all time high of 4.1% in 1993 when 73,000 engineers were out of work. More Like This: Click here to perform a search for documents like this one.
and News Leader…CNN Interactive(sm) now pushes
news wirelessly to your desktop or laptop computer. It's non-stop, world-class
news reporting on your computer screen without logging on to the Internet.
NOTE: July 7th
This has been edited in Netscape's Composer, using WebEdit as a http editor. Because my system had a complete crash and I had to reload from scratch I am NOW using; Microsoft Word and the Internet Assistant is now working, along with FrontPad and Publishing Wizards in Explorer 4.0 Shell. Also - the mailing system was lost so there will be no Synergy News Letters ...
Established in 1981 with a vision "To bring people and computers together," NIIT is a global training and consulting organization with operations in over 17 countries across the world addressing business lines including computer based training, instructor led classroom training, and software consulting services.
About Oracle Education:
Oracle Education introduced OLA in December 1996 as an on-line training delivery method that allows companies to store, manage, customize and distribute information technology (IT) training courses over the Internet.
Oracle Education provides superior technology training to customers and partners worldwide, and offers a comprehensive selection of educational products and services.
Interactive Network Dispatcher to be Used in Largest School Internet Project in History Dispatcher JUMP is the interesting feature see the news for the schools application
Computers for Education (CFE)
has selected IBM to provide every
K-12 school, teacher and student in the United States with a free Internet
Web site. Dubbed the American School Directory project, this project will
provide information and communication for teachers, students, parents,
local communities and families planning a move.
The Far Eastern NetWorks,
the Fourth Wave - a new topic
The Rapidly Changing Face Of Computing
Wednesday, June 25, 1997 1:16:51 PM
The future has arrived it just hasn't arrived everywhere at the same time -
Today's news is continued on PAPERS.HTM and FUTURES.HTM
365 SYNERGY JOURNALS are in HTTP format are on geocities site. You may want to open another browser window and check out the news while it is working." http://www.wiredbrain.com/today.htm "left mouse pass over link (highlight) ctrl+Del or Ctrl+C saves, then paste in new browser with Ctrl+insert or Ctrl+V
SOUTHWINDNET = http://www.highspeedhosting.com/newsite/message.cfm
The digital communications age has arrived. Still a little expensive
- but if the price - quality relationships hold - high speed connections
should be quite cheap in a year or so. Then local NODES can provide high
speed wireless connections for EVERYTHING - internet with telephone, video
and real time data bases, BYE-BYE to MA bell, cable companies, TV networks
- as we know them. The REAL impact will be all the way to China - the billions
- the majority of people on this planet who have almost no two-way telecommunications
- they can make the great leap forward...
The site is in the process of upgrading service to ViperLink.
VMC Virtual Marketing Corporation
The ViperLink system uses a wireless access system to connect
to an ATM
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 11, 1998--Verilink
Corp. (NASDAQ:VRLK - news) today announced that
Since 3/15/99
by LinkExchange
( Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) ATM is a packet switched technology
capable of carrying
voice, video & data.)
backbone at an astounding 90Mbps! Our Kentucky office has a full
(30% bigger than a T-1) dedicated connection that is burstable to
6.0 Mbps (4
full T-1s) if needed. If at any time, our web sites need additional
bandwidth –
they’ve got it! Never again will there be a problem
with not having enough
bandwidth. Ask how many providers can make
that claim!
Splitrock Services, Inc., the U.S.-based provider of Internet access
to Prodigy customers, has selected Verilink to provide
high-speed access products for its nationwide ATM network.
Since 3/15/99
by LinkExchange
INDEX PAGE made by AltaVista, enter "wiredbrain" to update
earth.general, news.future, culist.futurec,
zipnews.gov.world.economic, cna.economics.lists
I am asking the synergy bunch to join these newsgroups and use this news server for ideas and reports from the future. bellsouth.net has a useful guide on how to use Netscape News-reader
Tomorrows story today: Wiredbrain's Reports from the future:
As we have been reporting for over a year, bandwidth and Sheer bytes aside, Oracle executives believe their new strategy gives them a leg up in their competition with Microsoft. The way they see things, the Internet shifts the balance of power in the computing world from the desktop, which Microsoft dominates, to the network, which is up for grabs. And they believe this shift makes the database the key ingredient in an Internet-based network.
Businesses, as well as most organizations
outside the business world, begin to shift from hierarchical processes
to networked ones. People working in all kinds of fields -
the professions, education, government, the arts - begin pushing the applications
of networked computers. Nearly every facet of human activity is transformed
in some way by the emergent fabric of interconnection. This reorganization
leads to dramatic improvements in efficiency and productivity.
Netscape, Oracle, IBM, SunMicrosystems and Everyone else ( Corel, Novell ) see "Internet technologies are creating an opportunity for new "information utilities," but no one yet knows what they will look like, Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive of networking firm Novell (NOVL) said in a speech this morning at Summer Internet World.
We are not at the end, but at the beginning of this journey," Schmidt said referring to the evolution of the Web. "We have a name, the Web, but we may not have a destination" CNET NEWS
com/ on radio and VDO...
The biggest explosion in corporate computing since the Local Area Network...The Network Computer. In addition to discussions on everything from the benefits of the NC, to the use of Java and smart card technology, these informative and entertaining specials also featured interviews from Larry Ellison, Chairman and CEO of Oracle and Scott McNealy the CEO of Sun Microsystems, as well as testimonials from various companies who are currently operating in a Network Computing environment.
FEEDBACK FORM sent by Southwindnet
It's OK to put a link to another site on my page, right? Maybe not http://www. netscapeworld.com/nw-06-1997/nw-06-bestpract.html The globalvillages idiots vs. the Web's information utopia. Who wins will affect you!
Art of Rhetoric:
The Synergy Document files
Alexandria.htm a review of search technology.
The Synergy site is a history of the Internet for the last few years. If you back to doc1f.htm then doc1e.htm up to Doc5.htm, hotflash.htm, tour.htm you can see what was current at that time. Some things worked such as pointcast but many have gone away.
OR any other key words
Search Options |
! IT now finds key words as suggestions for more links -
( synergy channel ) placement services for tele-commuters in the web publishing business Http://www.wiredbrain.com/help.htm
Excite has an index of the site under wiredbrain which connects to other sites "more like this".URL: http://www.lib.rmit.edu.au/fractals/exploring.html Summary: It is invaluable for students to see that mathematics, science, technology art and the nature of society are in a state of change. A new art form was born and a whole new set of questions arose about the nature of nature itself.
for your class, textbook, company, interest groups or any sites.
HotBoT wiredbrain/
most important story of
our time WHY ?
RE: Bath Tubs and the
stuff up-stream
There is a story ( racial
prejudice most likely ) told by Hungarians that when the Mongol troops
of the Soviet Union entered Budapest they took the facets from the plumbing,
thinking that water came from the magic spout. They didn't understand NETWORKS-
the water comes from the system not the bath tub. The PC is a bath tub
- The NC is a utility send and receive device, all the important stuff
happens up stream. --
RE: simplified desktop
machine, BANDWIDTH
(excite search) and server
TRADE SHOWS - SUPERCOMM and COMDEX there is also one on Objects, COBRA
and Java, internet etc.
A a good place to start. Make the current connections - Supercomm maybe
more important that Comdex - connections more important than hardware -
relationships more important than objects - first patterns, relationships
and connections then out of these forces arise material objects and structures;
form follows application. The outside material object (the PC or NC ) is
a reflection of its relationships - applications. Con't on Papers.htm
George Gilder's Articles
for ASAP - Forbes
optic-fiber and other matters
How communications changes what we are as a species
- NEW!
Topics from Excite Newstracker
Click to go to SAMPLE Synergy Net
Synergy Site
May 1997
the Intelligent Fast Parallel Web Search
All-In-One | Inference Find | Yahoo! |
Introduction to the Synergy Network
Why changes in communications is the most
important story of our times;
Biological systems involve connections of nested networks with billions of messages, transactions, relationships, forming cells, individuals, food chains, ecologies and a global WIREDBRAIN .
more than a billion years bio-chemistry developed a WWW, world wide web
of bio-engineering. Modular units of networks within networks shared information
( genes ). These aggregates of interacting components developed self regulating
and repairing feedback loops. Elements nested within each other building
more and more complex structures. We are still that technology and more..
we are information processing systems that observe differences and take
advantages of opportunities.
Biological technology evolves slowly, long necks and horns develop as characteristics
of surviving populations with technological advantages. Human language
multiplied the speed of technology transfer by the transmission of acquired
information, models and example. The new WWW offers the species a biological
model of networking, where complex components, PC, communications, satellites,
modular languages such as Java
share information forcing rapid evolution.
About 70,000 year ago a species of humans transferred some of the excess
visual capacities of the brain's left hemisphere into a language center.
The use of language was imprinted into children by a talkative culture.
Since, brain capacity is very competitive, uncommitted cortex will get
used for something. Symbolic language produced higher levels of self awareness
including the "catch-on" factor, which is the ability to conceive
a better way of thinking and doing. The "Better way" can be learned
by and from others. This pattern of technology transfer is at the center
of human history. Cultures earn a living with the tools that fitted into
their ecology, such as methods of hunting, fishing and gathering, agricultural
techniques, weapons and transportation, construction and organization are
all socially useful tools.
The impacts of billions of people in Asia, Russia, Latin America getting
connected will change the social, economic and political order of human
society. Communities of workers, capital and innovation are global and
not as territorial. The speed of technology transfer has been on the log
scale of time. Thousands of years becomes hundreds, hundreds become tens,
and tens become years. Half the number of humans that have ever lived are
alive today. Of the 6 billion current humans;
Level 1: DEVELOPED, Per Capita product over $10,000; base wage rates at
$50.00 a day, 1 billion are well connected to wires, TV, and electric appliances,
( 1/6 of the population have about 2/3 of Gross World Product GWP, $ 30
to 35 Trillion ) while only 1% (60 million rich, world wide ) of the population
control most (over 50%) of the wealth.
2: DEVELOPING, Per Capita product average of $5,000; 2 billion ( 1/3 of
the population with 1/4 the wealth, $ 7 to 10 trillion of the GWP) are
poorly connected and
3: Less Developed, Per capita average product under $2,000, 3 billion souls,
base wage rates $5.00 a day ( 1/2 the population with 1/10 the wealth,
$ 3 or 4 trillion of the $ 35 Trillion GWP ) are not connected at all.
all the members of our species, 2/3 have not "caught-on" to current
technology. The WWW, World Wide Web, a network of satellites, relay stations,
wired and wireless transponders, is growing like a virus, first among the
billion in the developed societies but also among the unwired billions.
Bill Gates, at a critical time for Microsoft, was in Europe, Africa, India
and Asia testing the markets for communications.
The impacts of billions of people in CHINA & Asia, Russia, Latin America getting connected will change the social, economic and political order of human society. Communities of workers, capital and innovation are global and not territorial. Regional differences could narrow. Connections involve nested networks with billions of messages, transactions, relationships, a global WIREDBRAIN.
Copies of the SYNERGY JOURNALS sent by request: [email protected] Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE 225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 (904) 428-1355 Back to TOP
Your Futures Links Tomorrows story today: Wiredbrain's Reports from the future:
Copies of the SYNERGY JOURNALS sent by request: [email protected] Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE 225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 (904) 428-1355